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Smithfield, N.C.

Honorable T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, North Carolina.

My dear Governor Bickett;-

I have your letter of the 13th. I think the idea of recommending to the Legislature that the whole administration of the State Prison be conducted from the farm in Halifax County, is a wise one. There is no doubt in my mind but that the Superintendent living on the farm would be of incalculable advantage to the farm per se, at the same time he could render just as effecient services away from the farm to any other enterprise that the prison might be interested in. Then again the necessary expenses of the one place, instead of two, would be a tremondous saving.

It is my opinion that the plant in Raleigh is worth around a million dollars. The erection of suitable buildings on the farm, all modernly equipped, probably would not cost one half of that amount. I presume that in the near future the State will have to make further provision for the care of our insane and unfortunates.

It occurs to me that the number of inmates and the necessary expense of caring for them at the State Prison in Raleigh is entirely too great. A large part of this would be eliminated if your plan should be adopted.

I have read your letter with a great deal of interest and have thought over the proposition seriously and I believe it to be wise and statesmanlike & sound.

With much respect and great esteem, I am.

Yours truly.