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To [His Excel]lency Arthur Dobbs Esqr. [Governor] and Commander in Chief in & [over the said] Province.

In Obedience unto [his] Excellencys Instructions I have Inclos'd your [Excel]lency an Exact Muster Roll of the Regiment [of] Perquimans County and a Seperate List of Several Field Officers and Captains in said Reg[i]ment According to their Seniority, and Describ[i]ng the Destrict of each Company.

As to the third Article [of] said Instructions Beg leave to acquaint your [Excellency] that there is no Officers Dead Since the Commissions granted by the Honorable Matthew Rowan President, nor any Removd out of the Regiment Except Colo. John Rieusset who may be Expected in May next at farthest.

The fifth Article Beg leave to Answer that there is no Arms nor Amunition from his Majestys Stores Belonging to the sd Regiment nor is there any Indians in the neighbourhood of our Regimt.

The Defects of the Militia Law wth such further Necessary Regulations is most humbly Submitted to your Excellency By your Excellencys most

Dutiful & Obedt. Servt.

John Harvey

Perquimans County.

A Seperate List of the Captains and Feild officers in the Regiment of s’d County


Colo. John Rieusset

John Harvey Leiut. Colo.

Benjamin Harvey Major.


John Stevenson Junior Capt. whose Company is bounded by the No. East Side of Perqu. County beginning on the Sound Side & Bounded by Perquimans River Bridge

Containing Including the Quakers 159 men.


Capt. Miles Harvey bounded on the sound Side on the So. West side of Perquimans River & the No. West by Perquimans River Bridge.

Third. Capt. Joseph Riddick beginning at Perquims. River Bridge & bounded by the upper part of the s’d County.

I beg leave to Recommend a Division of Capt. John Stevensons Company to be bounded from the Sound as above by Suttons Creek & a Cross to Pasquotank County. The Inhabitants on the upper Side of Suttons Creek to Perquimans River Bridge to be a new Company & beg leave to Recommend Joseph Sutton Junr. to be Captain of the s’d Company which is Humbly Submitted By your Excellencys Dutifull & Obedt. Servt.

John Harvey
