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My Lord

Since my arrival I have made the proper Enquiry into the State of the Church and Religion in this Province, and have Sent over the best account I can procure here, to the Society for propagating the Gospel inclosd to the Reverend Doctor Bearcroft.

This I Send, inclosd in a Letter to Dr. Nichols to be deliverd to your Lordship, by a Gentleman Mr. William Miller, who hath been a Teacher among the Presbyterian dissenters in Ireland, who has removd here with his Family well Recommended from thence, and by the Inhabitants of Rowan County, one of our Western Counties. He is desirous to take orders, and therefore I recommend him to your Lordship to be Examind and ordaind if qualifyd, in order to have your Lordships License, which when obtaind I Shall induct him into the Parish from whence he is recommended to me who have approved of his Life and Conversation. The Two Clergyman, whom I recommended to your Lordship for to be ordaind who got yr. Lordships License behave Extreamly well here are much approvd of and are well Settld Mr. McDowell, and Mr. Fanning.

I Shall trouble you no further but to beg yr. Lordships Blessing and Prayers that I may be instrumental in promoting true Religion and virtue in this Province, and in Civilizing and Consecrating the poor neglected Indians in this Neighbourhood.

I am with the greatest Respect My Lord

yr. Lordships

Most Obedient &

most Humble Servt.

Arthur Dobbs

William Miller
North Carolina