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Lee County
T. A. Campbell, Clerk Superior Court
Sanford, North Carolina

Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor:

You will probably recall having issued me a few weeks ago a commission to hold special term of court in Chatham County. Later, you sent me commission to hold one week special term in the same county. Both were declared off and neither court was held because of the prevailing "flu" trouble. All the lawyers requested that commissions be sent to me to hold those two terms of court. A few days ago when I was holding court in the same county, Chatham, all the lawyers asked me to ask you to send me a commission to hold a two weeks term beginning Monday, July 5th, in that county for the trial of civil cases. If it accords with your pleasure, I will thank you tohave the commission sent to me at Edenton, N.C., and to see that proper notice is given to the commissioners of Chatham County. The congested condition of the docket renders it necessary that the court be held. I would not be indelicate enough to ask you tosend me the commission except for the fact that all the lawyers asked me so to do.

I view with much pleasure the way sentiment appears to be settling down in favor of the rightfulness of the revaluation act. The former sustem, of course, was reeking with grave inequalities and injustice.

I hope you are well. With kind regards, I am

Respectfully yours,

W. M. Bond.