Taylorsville, N.C.
April 1st 1918
Governor T. W. Bicket
Raleigh, N.C.
My Dear Governor,
I know you are a very busy man. And constant calls are made on you about many things.
I asked some 10 or 12 days ago that if it was possible for you to do it that you get either some State or Federal officer in this County (Alexander) to look after the whiskey [illegible].
There is almost Daily Evidences of drinking but specially on Saturday Evenings & nights. Our own Sherriff of course if some one shows him the place sometimes he gets still but never gets the men.
Mr. Allison of Statesville makes no special effort to apprehend the Blockader.
What we need is a good Detective on the ground and if he is on his job I feel sure the right parties can be apprehended the ealier this whiskey crowd is brought to account the better for the Country in these War Times.
I am yours Sincerely
J J Edwards
Pastor M. E. Church South
Taylorsville, N.C.