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To the Honble. Genll. Court

Majr Lewise Burwell & Capt Thomas Godwine Executors of Colo John Lear Executor of Mrs. Anna Lear plt Humbly Sheweth ^vs the Honble. Colo Tho Pollock deft in a plea of the Case Complaineth^ That at a Genll. Court Held the 2d. day of Jully 1695 It was ordered that Mr. John porter jr. should take an Inventory of the Estate of Seth Sothell deceased in this government & make a return thereof to the then nixt Genll. Court & deliver the Sd Estate ^to^ Colo Tho. Pollack who hath assumed to be accountable for the Same till futher order from this Honble. Court or untill the Sd John Lear should give bound with good Security to Satisfie all Such debts as Shall be recovered against the Sd Estate so far as the Sd Estate Shall amount to by virtue of the forsd Order there was Seased the particulars afternamed belonging to the Petr. quallified as afforsd viz. A Negro Nantell & his wife a Negro named Charles an Indian Woman Named Dinah & her Child an Indian Boy three hundred & eighteen gallants of Rum & Spirits twinty on Bushells of Salt fourty eight pounds of Bair Skins ninty siven drest buckskins on hundered & twinty six drest deer Skins twinty nine faw Skins fourteen pounds of Baver fourteen Fox skins fourteen Catts Skins on pair of Milstones Six hundred pounds of Shoot fifty pounds of powder siven & a half duzen of Glasse bottles twelve pair of door hinges and eight guns two hundred & twinty ^three^ pounds of Nales three horses thee hundered pounds of tobaco on peece of Ordinance on bed two Sheet & on Blanket 2 two table on forme on Brasse pan on plough shear & Coller an other bed & Bolster Six Chayers two pair of Hand Irons thee three Irron Potts two fraying panns on pair of hand Irrons more a pair of [potraks] & on Speat a hand Mill on Grind Stone as also a percell of Irron the quantity not named a percell of Blocks & Riging the quantity not named a percell of Hoges the quantity not named a percell of Sheep the quantity not Named some Chayes in the hall the quantity Not Named a percell of Old pewter the quantity not Named a percell of Old Brase the quantity not Named all which particulars beforenamed were delivered to the before Named Colo Thomas Pollack & yr Petrs. having now fully complayed with the forsd Order Notwithstanding the Sd Colo Thomas Pollack refuses to deliver the abovenamed Particulars although often required by yr Petrs. May it ^They^ therefore please ^pray^ yr Honrs that the forsd Col. Thomas Pollock may be Ordered to deliver the beforenamed particular Stated goods Marchant goods & the other goods & Chattles to yr. Petrs. & pay Cost ^ yr Petrs. shall pray

WGlover Clerk

The Executors
of Lear
Vs. Colo Tho Pollock