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Thursday last I was with the Bay River Indians, & acquainted them with the content of yr Honrs Warrt. given th[em] by Cpt Dawe: Their King, Southwell, & During with their g[reat] men mett & sent for me to Southwells Cabin before I mention^e^d any thing of my message to them: They produced a paper containing 5 Articles concluded from them to the English, & Sighned by Mr Akehurst, Mr Calloway Cpt Blount, & Mr Slade. I told them the Governour demanded 4 Indian men, & a boy who had offered severall Indignities to some English Gentlemen on the Sand banks: as ford cocking a Gun, & setting it to Mr Ameys breast they utterly denied, their Story to me runs thus. 4 Indian men, & one boy mett with some English in a canoe who belongd to a vessell that was cast away, & stuck a ground as they terme it, the English asked way to Roanoke the Indians profered their service bring them to the English there, the Gentlemen gave them 3 Clay potts full of Rum, (fishes one of the Indians) saies he told the English if they made the Indians drunk they would be rude, the Indians gave the English Venize[n] & 20 black drums, one of the Indians got drunk hearing them talk of Ashley River made them afraid, of being taken thither, they fled, & let fall 3 guns of the Indi English into the water in this Escape, one of them was a great gun, all which since they have left with one Anthony. The English took forcibly from them 4 rawe Deer Skins, one Otter, one hairy match Co[at] & 4 baskets of Corn, they were Extrao^r^dinary riud[e] to me although most of them drunk. They say the have done no harm to the English, & hope they may not suffer the English Displeasure for a thing they have not acted nor Intended. They would make me no positive answer as to delivering up the Indians but alway[damaged] (told me) they hopd they might not have receave any breach of their articles from the English. I have no more at prsent but remain,

Sr. yr. Honrs.

most humble. most obedient,

& most Devoted Svt.