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Whereas Complanint is made unto me Christopher Gale Esqr Chief Justice of this province that Christopher Dudley of Beaufort precinct in Bath county hath Lately violently assaulted beaten & broke the Arm of an Indian man belonging to the Tuscorora Nation Whereby many ill conveniencys (are to be feared to) the Tranquility & pace of this Goverment &ca—

There are Therefore in his majesties name to require & Strictly Charge you Immediatly upon receipt hereof to Arrest the body of the sd. Christopher Dudley & him bring before me to answer the said complaint herein faile Not at yr. perill as you will answer the Contrary and for So doeing this Shall be yr. Sufficient warrant

Given under my hand & Seale this 13th. day of march anno 1722—

CGale CJ:

To the Provost marshall of Bath County or to his Deputy Or to Mr. Edwd Travise

Summon Mr. Richard Nixson and John Gardner Evidences

Executed this 15 of March 1722/3

pr me Edward Travis

Warrant for Dudley

[Warrant] for Dudley
to answer Complaint of
Tuscorora Indian—

Sessions papers past
March Court 1723