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The Deposition of Thomas Pollock Senr. aged about [damaged]

That after Sun Sett Last Fryday night and before Sun Ryse Last Saturday morning the Fourth day of this instant [damanged] one indian man who cals himselfe John Cope Sometim[damaged] day on Saterday morning aforsd broke in at a window [damaged] Roome wher I ly and I believe haveing Stunded himself [damaged] fall out of the window upon the Floore of the Roome my Son [damaged] came downe on the noise he made and so had him catched [damaged] Secured he made no Excuse only that he Said ^he^ intended no harme. This is the Truth to the best of my knowledge

So help me God

Capt: & Jurat
8vo Die Augusti
Ao. Dom: 1722.

Coram me
CGale C:J: