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Transcribed from "Good-byes to Company B and Third Regiment Band," News and Observer (Raleigh), 2 July 1916.

Gov. Craig in Farewell Words

Governor Craig was greeted with cheers.

The Governor said:

"Your neighbors and loved ones have come to bid you good-bye with emotions that I cannot express.

When the Spartan youth went to war his mother delivered to him the shield with the parting words: 'Return my son with it or upon it.' We hope that you will all return in the strength and the bouyancy of youth, but we hope still more that you will always keep sacred the honor of a man and the courage of a soldier. We are confident that you will, and that is why we are here to give you the tokens of affection and farewell.

"You may know that in distant lands, under strange skies, in the camp, in the hospital, and on the field of battle you will never be forgotten at home. Your gallant deeds will pulse with pride in hearts of love.

"You are not going to Mexico to conquer Mexico, but if needs be to liberate their country with a finer spirit, greater courage or morale than those of Company B. In sending forth the men of Company B you have chosen well and every member of the company will well represent you, no matter what may befall. While gone we hope that we may be given duty to perform that will reflect credit on the State.

"I sincerely hope that all will return, but if any do not return of these I can say none will meet a more courageous death.

"When the company comes back you can be assured that every member of it and the whole National Guard did their duty, no matter where circumstances led them. Whenever you hear of Company B being called upon to perform any duty you may be sure that the members will meet it fearlessly and with honor to themselves.

"Again I want to thank you in behalf of Company B."