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WM. C. McINTIRE. Manager



As a NORTH CAROLINA MAN, a democrat all my life wife and children four of them girls,

Want you allow the writer to appeal to your better judgement, to FIGHT THIS WOMAN SUFFERAGE, PROBLEM to the last ditch,

My dear sir leave this to a POPULAR VOTE of the good mothers of the state they would snow it under,

Look the situation over while some exceptions, the majority of the SUFFREGETTES are hard finished old maids or poodle dog married women that dont want children,

As it is man kind looks up to woman place her in POLITICS and we will look down upon her, POLITICS makes strange bed fellows. I can not see how any one can read PAUL and want sufferagem some say OH thats old stuff times have changed then if it is the whole bible is wrong and should be abolished.

THE writers personal opinion about a good woman in the HOME she is the FINEST THING GOD EVER CREATED OR EVER WILL CREATE.

I remember reading on once occasion in one of the suffregette states a father carried the baby to the court house three times in one day to get it nursed mother on the jury, A nice state of affairs, a jury with eleven men all night, Would any honorable man relish that that loves his wife and home.

It is not that some of them are not competent, If man can not run the government he had better quit MAN KIND has established the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH_ AMERICA_ How by hard work reforms and the mothers teachings in the home, Place her in politics she will be to busy dabbling in the unknown to give home or children a thought,

The writer is in favor of a law paying a BONUS for large families that we may build up a nation of ALL AMERICANS,

And we can not accomplish that with the mother fighting child birth to stay in politics,

And a woman judge lawyer juror congressman or congressher in a family way, You notice the most men that advocate woman sufferage are old men with one foot in the grave, Or WHAT WE TERM A LADYS MAN, that would be as dangerous around the average MANS HOME AS A RATTLE SNAKE, That class cattle says give the ladies any thing they want GOD BLESS them why, because he was a HELLISH thought in view,

The writer does not drink never did dont gamble and if avery married man was as true to his home, the woman of the world would have to go to work,

Politics will wreck homes. cause a 25% increase in divorce proceedings, If a man will meet and kill his fellow man over politics and has been done in thousands of cases what will happen in the home_ GOD FORBID IT NEVER COMES.