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House of Representatives,

Dear Bro:

Write me at once what you think of the pint bill to count electoral vote. I am opposed to the Supreme Court idea, but it may become necessary to accept it. 
I find that the payment of the $1200 to a superintendent of the convicts on S. & A. R. R. as well as the bonus paid for the convicts is proving to be a burden upon our road. Remember that we are working without State aid & the struggle to keep above water is a severe one. Can we not be relieved in some way, say by the discharge of the Supt at 1200 per an. & if possible by reducing cost paid for laborers? Please think of this & write me fully & confidentially. 
What did you do for Jim Young? Have you any little place for Jim Reynolds?
I wrote you privately about Jim Taylor. If our papers publish from him much they will get tangled. He is one of the most unmitigated, cold blooded, cunning villains alive*. This is my deliberate opinion, formed from careful exhibits on his part for several years.
Of course I want no quarrel with Jim Taylor. I only write to put you on your guard, so you can warn Mr. Scarboro & others interested. 

<*allow me to add, the most cowardly & snake like>

Much love,

Bro Bob