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Western North Carolina Rail Road Co.
President's Office

Dear Gov,

I enclose the agreement with Dana & Co about Iron and instructed them to send invoices and account direct to you. We are getting along very well except continued trouble with Howard. I fear we will never get along until our Board assumes entire control. This morning (Monday) as the hands were going to work on guard train Howard notified my bop that we must feed, guard, and supply guns to all the gravel train, he says under instructions from Mr. Hicks, if Mr. H gave such orders, he is acting without authority and to prevent confusions as he has done he shd have written to me what he intended to order, so I might be ready for it, but as it is it was sprang up on me on Monday morning as the train was in readiness for work. I wish you would if possible come to our meeting the 1st of June and get this thing fixed up.

Very Rsply & Truly