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Col. A. H. Boyden,
Salisbury, N.C.

My dear Col. Boyden:-

The tremendous pressure of business incident to the closing days of the Special Session of the General Assembly, has heretofore prevented my writing you.

I now desire, on behalf of the State, to express to you my grateful appreciation of the unselfish, patriotic service rendered by you and your associates in the investigation of the unfortunate occurrence at Graham.

The thoroughness and impartiality of the investigation made a profound impression upon all people who saw the Commission in action. The fullness and fairness of the report is so convincing that only the most partisan mind could fail to be convinced that the troops at Durham simply did their duty.

You and your associates "have done the State some service, and it knows it.

Sincerely yours,


Same letter to Hon. B. S. Royster, Oxford. Hon. H. W. Whedbee, Greenville.