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State of North-Carolina, Craven County, ss

To all Sheriffs, constables, and others, liege Subjects of the Said State, Greeting.

WHEREAS complaint hath been made to me, one of the Justices of the Peace for the said state, by John Bryan, Esq; High Sheriff of the same, that last night the public goal of the said county was broke open, and the following persons made their escape from thence, viz.

MICHAEL KELLY, an Irishman, for robbery. He is about 26 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, had on a sea green coat and [csoabrigs] trousers, has lost one of his under teeth, and had a scar on his right cheek.

MATTHIAS FARAN, for robbery. He is about 28 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, had on a dark colored jacket, a chip hat, and has a sore on his leg.

JAMES RAWLINS, for high treason. He is a noted villain, and was one of the principals in the late conspiracy against the State, has lived for two years past in Martin county, has is very famous in the art of legerdemain; about 40 years of age, of a very black complection, and had a cut on one of his cheeks.

The above named Farnan and Kelly obtained a pass from Mr. Tisdale a few days before their commitment, which it is probable they will now make use of.

THESE are therefore, in the name of this state, to require you, and every of you, to whom these presents shall come, to make diligent search, by way of hue and cry, in all suspected places, after the said persons; and them, or either of them, having found, to cause to be apprehended, and carried before the next Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with as the law directs.

GIVEN under my hand and seal, this 9th day of September, 1777.


N. B. Whoever apprehends and secures the above persons, so that they may be brought to justice, shall have 10 /. Reward for Rawlins, and 5 /. For each of the other two, from