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Hon. Locke Craig,
Governor of N.C.
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

I talked of the Charlotte Matter, Iin Re Lynching McNeely, with Mr. Jordan.1 We have all that can be gotten on the out side. Mr Jordan is very capable, but we will have to have a man who is unknown. If Mr. Jordan has talked to you, you can see that he is not in position to get anything more than we have in the case. He is well known and is in the employ of the state. I think we should have a man from Baldwin or two men. I should like to see the men and for Mr Jordan to see them. I should be glad that you would write me what you think of the matter.

Yours Truly,

1. "Mr. Jordan" is most likely Frank M. Jordan, of Asheville and Raleigh.