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The Dime Bank
Kinston, N.C.

Hon. J. P. Kerr,
Executive Department,
Raleigh N.C.

Daer Sir:-

There being some opposition to you appointing me one of the Notaries Publics for this county, I hereby withdraw my application, dated the 12th inst, and filed in your office on the 13th inst, while you were away on your vacation, and most respectfully ask you to kindly return to me the application, and endorsements, which are on the same sheet of paper, endorsements dated the 5th inst, and the application dated the 12th inst. You say that you have not seen them, but it was answered from your office, with rubber stamp, facsimile of your name, you not being there, telling me to get other names, and that the price of the commission would be higher, also send me the cut from the Industrial Issue of the Free Press sent you in the beginning of this correspondence. I enclose stamp.

With great respect, I remain yours etc,