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Mr. E. F. Watson,
Burnsville, N.C.

Dear Frank:-

I have yours of yesterday1 as to the action of Mt. Mitchell Commission. I believe when the Governor and I state to the Commission what really occurred in Raleigh, and the aid I gave him especially with Henry Gilliam, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, who was opposed to the bill, they will accept the Governor's recommendation. I do not understand the attitude of some of the Commissioners in thinking that the Governor does not wish them to pay the amount agreed upon. I have never known the Governor to be unfrank or insincere, and I am sure that he is not in this case. My only trouble is that I am not willing to in any way embarrass the Governor, and in all events that matter must be kept from the public. I think the amount stated is really not fair value for the property as I would willing give more than $2000.00 for it myself, and I believe it could be sold for $5000. I desire to ask that the case be not heard before Thursday as I will wish the Governor to talk with the Commissioners when he goes to Burnsville. If they do not accept his recommendation, I will do all in my power to be ready to have the matter determined on Thursday. I must bring witnesses from Asheville, but cannot keep them for any length of time and do not like to bring them when there is a possibility of settlement. Please write me that the case will not be tried before Thursday.

Yours truly,


1. Item of correspondence not found among the papers of Locke Craig.

2. The content and timing of the letter leads the editor to believe the author is James W. Pless.