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(Copy of my reply)

Yours to rec'd-

Your letter suggests "a rude rock enclosure, & shelter" &c. Do you mean a building with roof and walls?

I had thought of three styles of memorial, (1) Building, (2) obelisk, (3) Pyramid, each to be constructed of rude rock quarried on spot.

1. Building (Greek Temple, or Temple of Vesta, &c) Tomb inside, objections: vandalism & cost

2. Obelisk, 150 to 300 ft high. Hollow, stairs inside, views from top, miniature of Washington Mont., Objection: cost

3. Pyramid, 50 to 75 ft
Objections: Cost & [squatty?]

We desire a monument

1. of rough material quarried on the spot

2. In harmony with the environment

3. non deface-able by vandals, tourists &c

We hope to raise from $5,000 to $30,000 dependent on style of monument

I would like your views, if you are to give them, more [definitely?].

Yours [illegible]

1. The context of the correspondence between Robert F. Smallwood and George T. Winston leads the editor to believe the date of this letter was April 28, 1916.