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Old Fort Township Highway Commission

Old Fort, N.C.

Hon. Locke Craig, Governor,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

Your letter of the 24th. inst received.1 I have talked with our engineer in regard to the equipment of scraper and plows for the convicts on our road. We are unable to see where it would be of much advantage, as the work is all "side work", and with powder and dynamite, we can throw the heavy material over much cheaper than it could be hauled.

We have about $3500.00 left with which to complete the road. This will buy all material to work with and, if we should buy an outfit, then we would be short of funds. Our commissioners and the engineer have considered this matter carefully and we cannot see any better way than the way we are doing the work. We are getting along fine and, by next Spring, we will have a road connected with Buncombe Co. that will be a credit to the state.

We are anxious to complete the work as soon as possible, and we feel that we are doing the work as fast and as economically as it can be done. We are now in the heaviest side work and, later, if we can use some plows and scrapers, and can buy them and have enough funds left to complete the road, we will be glad to do so.

I am sure that, if you were on the grounds, you would see it as we do.

Very respectfully yours,

P. H. Mashburn.

1. Item not found among the papers of Locke Craig.