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Benbow & Hanes

Hon. Locke Craig;
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh N.C.,

Dear Sir;

I have read with a great deal of interest the report of Honorabl J. S. Mann, Superitendant of the State Prison, which he made to your Excellency and the Council of state, and published in the News and Observer of July 9th. with reference to the Rail-roads to which the state is furnishing convicts and accepting stock for their Labor in accordance with legislative enactment.

In interest and in Justice to the Good people of Iredell, Yadkin and Surry Counties I feel that I should write you and the Council of State in protest to the injustice done our Rail road and our people by the Superintendant?s Report, which in many instances is not in accord with the with the facts in the matter, the dedails of which we are prepared to go into if you so desire. His report in my opinion does us an injustice by discriminating against it and the best interest of our people.

However I assure you that our people have the utmost confidence in your good judgment and feel sure that you and the Council of state recognice the worthiness of this enterprise and the justice of continuing without interferance the good work now in Progress, which means so much to a large section of the State which is now without railroad facilities and the development of which depends so largely upon your action in this cause.

Yours Very Truly,

F. W. Hanes
director of Statesville
Airline Rail Road