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Honered Sir,

Aftere my Respacts to you I am to Inform you that I very much want some [co]mitions for part of the Redgment of macklenbourg [co]unty as the peopel settel fast an our frountiers of [la]te and as thare is some troubel in our Nei[gh]borhood which Mr. McCarve Can inform you of the Captain Names for Sd. Company are Robart Ramsey, James patton, Jacob forney and Benjamin harden Juner and also a Leiutanent Commition for John harden under the Command of John thomas Esqr. as to the other four Companys if your Excallancy will pleas to Send thare Liutennent and Ensignd Commitions Blank to me I will Endeavour to fill them up with as much prudence as posebel this from your former freind and humbl. Svt.

Nathl. Alexander

Platt to be made out for Peter Keiller—