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To the Kings most Excellent Majesty The Humble Address of the Governor Council and Assembly of North Carolina—

Most Gracious Sovereign.

We Your Majesties Dutiful and Loyal Subjects with Hearts elated with Joy, Beg leave to approach your Throne to Congratulate your Majesty, upon the continuance of the Wonderful and Surprizing Victories and Acquisitions to Britain obtain'd by your Fleets and Armies in Defence & Support of the Protestant Apostolic Religion & Liberties of Europe, but more immediately of Great Britain and your American Colonies.

This wonderful manifestation of the Divine Providence of God & his Christ against such great combined Papal Powers, and superior Numbers, is a confirmation of the Prophecies, that Christ has commenced his Kingdom by your Majesty as his Vicegerent over the Protestant Church, against the Absurdities & Idolatries of the Papal Church, Gallic Tyranny & Arbitrary power, and that the utmost parts of the Earth will soon become Christs Possession.

It is with inexpressible Pleasure, That we can enumerate such glorious Victories & Acquisitions this year added to those of the former Campaign.

The acquisition of Goree which deprives the French of their African Trade; The Conquest & Acquisition of Guadaloupe, Grand-Terre and Marigalante are great Additions to our Sugar Trade; And those follwd by the glorious Acquisition on this Continent, The Forts of Niagara, Ticonderoga & Crown Point, with the glorious Victory at Quebec over such superior Numbers, and Conquest of that Capitol of the French American Empire, which secures the Possession of Canada & the Fur Trade & Fisheries of American are invaluable, and secure the peace & Safety of all the Northern Colonies; To which with the greatest Joy we must Add the glorious Victory obtain'ed by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick over such Superior Numbers in support of the Protestant States in Germany, and particularly in defending your Majesty's Dominions from Cruel French Devastations and the Destruction & disappointment of the Tholóun Squadron & projected French Schemes, are such Events as can't be parallel'd in History.

These great Manifestations of Divine Providence must procure to your Majesty a Safe, Glorious & Honorable peace, but as these Southern Provinces can never be safe, from French Perfidity, Massacres & Assassinations, by their stirring up the Indians by their popish Missionaries to become our Enemies; We have Reason to hope that the Acquisition of Missippi and Mobile will be added to your Majesty's Conquests as well as the French American Islands, which woud effectually lessen the French Marine, so as neve to contend with Britain for the Empire of the British Seas:

These Acquisitions are compatible with your Majesty's Intrepidity the Wisdom of your Councils & Bravery of your Forces by Sea & Land under Christ's Banner, as his Vicegerent over his Apostolic Church.

That your Majesty may after a long and most glorious Reign end your Days in Peace, and inherit an everlasting Crown, and that those Dominions may be govern'd by your Illustrious Line to the end of Time, are the Ardent Wishes and Prayers of your Majesty's most Dutiful and Grateful Subjects.

Arthur Dobbs

Matt: Rowan President

Saml Swann Speakr

Address of Govr., Council,
& Assembly, of No. Carolina

in Govr. Dobbs's of Janry. 21st. 1760.