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<Circular Letter to the Governors of the several American Colonies, notifying the new Commission.>

To William Henry Lyttelton Esqr. Governor of Jamaica.


His Majesty having appointed Us his Commissioners for promoting the Trade of this Kingdom and for inspecting & improving his Majesty's foreign Colonies and Plantations, We take this the earliest Opportunity of acquainting you therewith, and We have only further to desire that you will regulate your future Correspondence conformable to the Orders and Instructions, Copies of which were transmitted to you with the Board's Letter of the 29th. of April last. We are

Sir &ca

N.B. A like Letter was sent to the Governors of Barbados Leewd. Islands Bahamas Bermuda Georgia So. & No. Carolina Virginia New York New Jersey Massachusets N: Hampshire Nova Scotia Pennsylvania Maryland Connecticut Rhode Island