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Mrs. Martha Inscore,
Yadkinville, N.C.

My dear Mrs. Incore:-

I have your letter of June 10th, and want to congratulate you on the honor of having a son in France fighting for his country and ours. I hope that your son has made you an allotment from his wages and that you are getting substantial aid from the Government which should be entirely sufficient to keep you in comfort, for I feel sure that you deserve a vacation from the wash tub. I also trust that he has taken out the $10,000 of Government life insurance for your benefit.

As to the case about which you write- the son of a lawyer who has not been called for military service- as you do not give the name of the young man to whom you refer I could not make investigation if I felt disposed to do so; however, this is a matter that is entirely in the hands of the local and district exemption boards. They sit as a jury and pass upon each individual case. With facts as they find them I have no right to interfere. Nor would it be proper for me to go behind their findings to investigate individual cases. I am sure that if an injustice has been done by the Local Board of Yadkin county that it will be righted by the District Board of Western North Carolina. However, I am loath to believe that the Local Board of your county has perpetrated such an injustice as you seem to think it has. If the young man to whom you refer has been given a deferred classification, I am sure that the members of the Local Board had good reason for their action. It is possible, for instance, that this registrant failed to pass the physical examination given by the Medical Examiner. If such is the case nothing can be done, as he has been declared physically unfit for military service.

Very truly yours,
