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Dear Sir I am an old woman and my only child is in France. Now the God of Justice stands; and heeds not my cry. Or at least; doth not answer me: So I come to you: Will you also; stand still? Or will you act? For fear that the God of Justice beats down your hopes? Now my complaint is this; I am a poor lonely old washerwoman who has to toil at the wash tub day after day to make her living; Have my only child taken (to fight for his country) when my rich neighbor a Lawyer, who recomded the war for appointment on the Exemption Board, has his son let off on the ground that two of His Great Aunts died of consumption, and that He could not stand exposure; I have seen his Son Every since He was born and I know that he was never sick a day in his life. I have also seen him play Baseball for Hours at a time. He runs an automobile Every day, He looks well, and would weight 175 lbs. How? Oh! How? Can you expect the God of Justice, to help us? When such Injustice is being done? I do not expect him to hear me, altho I pray every day for all our Soldiers; and espeacialy my poor Boy: Do you even think He ought to hear our prayers? You know what Lawyer you asked to recommend the Exemption Board in this county. It will not do me or my poor boy, any good for you to investigate what I have written, But I can pray to the God of Justice; better; knowing. I have done my duty; I can at least hope, He will save my poor boys life, If he does not our country.

Yours Respt.

Martha Inscore,
Written By Her Neice.

If you do not believe that an Injustice has been done I want you Enquire of W. A. Hall cashier of Bank of Yadkin J. L. Crater Clerk of Court J. H. Dobbins Merchant J. W. Pass N. C. T. R. Harding M. D. J. D. L. Sampson P. M. Miss Belle Tulbert W. L. Kelly ex Sheriff or nearly anybody living here.