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Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:

Complying with your verbal request, Mr. Seth M. Swan is in Company K, Infantry 322, Camp Jackson, S. C. and the captain of his company is T. C. Tighlman. When I was in your office you told me if I would get the name of his captain you would write the captain a personal letter recommending his discharge.

There has been recently some further affidavits sent to the captain of Mr. Swan’s company in his behalf, these affidavits and recommendations being from every county officer in our county, the officials of the only bank in our county and from the leading business men in the county. The recommendations are as strong as can be gotten in our county.

As heretofore told you, I regard this a merited case and trust that the Captain of Mr. Swan’s company may take a favorable view and return Mr. Swan to his family. As previously told you, there are a number of single men in our county who are only waiting to be called and in all probability it will yet be several months before it becomes necessary to take married men with small children who are dependent upon them for support.

In this particular instance, including one-half of Mr. Swan’s pay, his family are receiving $47.50 from the Government, however, they have a child who has been sick for several months, and will likely be under the care of a physician for several months more, which its expense is costing not less that $25.00 per month. Then they own no home and at present his wife is in Columbia boarding where she can be near him and paying $35.00 per month board for herself and the well child, which is practically as cheap as she could stay here and rent a home. I am informed, and believe, that Mr. Swan’s brothers are aiding in taking care of Mr. Swan’s family since he went into service.

If convenient, I trust you will write to Capt. Tighlman early, as this matter will be presented to him possibly tomorrow and your letter can no doubt be of service at this time.

With kindest regards, I am,

Very truly,