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Honorable Thomas W. Bickett,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, North Carolina.

My dear Governor Bickett:

The Commanding Officer of the 316th Field Artillery stationed at Camp Jackson, Columbia, North Carolina, reports to this office that of one hundred eighty-three selective service men assigned to his regiment from Wilkes County, North Carolina, forty-two have been rejected as disqualified for military service on grounds of physical or mental deficiency. This is approximately 23%.

Among the rejected, as reported, are cases of apparent and almost glaring disability, such as, (1) syphilis mucous patches in mouth and tongue; (2) pulmonary tuberculosis right lung upper lobe, double lateral curvature of spine, left leg stiff from hip joint, vision right eye negative; (3) chronic tuberculosis right upper lung, prominent scapulae and clavicles, cardiac arrythymia, left foot 3rd degree flat, right foot 2nd degree flat foot; (4) obesity and round shoulders, superficial varicose veins legs; etc.

Will you please investigate the personnel of medical examiners of Wilkes County and ascertain, if possible, whether or not this condition is due to improper conduct or incompetence on its part. If your investigation shows either incompetence or improper conduct on the part of the examiners and no valid excuse for this showing is presented, it is suggested that substitutions be made in the local boards having jurisdiction.

An early report will be greatly appreciated.

Very truly yours,

E. H. Crowder
Provost Marshal General.
