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<Letters to Sheriffs, County Clerks, & County Physicians>

Dear Sir:

The President has issued his proclamation calling for the registration of all male citizens between the ages of twenty-one and thirty on the fifth day of June, 1917, between the hours of seven A. M. and nine P. M.

By virtue of the power vested in my by the act of Congress, I hereby nominate and commission you as a member of the County Board of Registration for Alamance County, which Board is charged with the administration of the said act of Congress in said county.

The County Board of Registration is hereby directed to convene at once and -

1. Appoint one registrar in each voting precinct in the county. Where it is estimated that more than eighty persons will be required to register in the precinct an additional registrar for each eighty persons to be registered should be appointed. The law contemplates that the registrar who served at the State and county general election last year shall be appointed, His experience is supposed to fit him for the peculiar duties of the office of registrar under the act of Congress. But the registrar must be a competent clerk, whose hand-writing is neat and legible.

2. The Government encourages the appointment of volunteer registrars who will make no charge for their services but will take pleasure in performing the work as a patriotic duty in this crisis of the nation’s life. But the appointments of registrars must not be delayed if volunteer registrars do not come forward.

3. All appointments of registrars must be made by the 24th day of May but it is important not to delay the matter but to make the appointments at the earliest hour possible consistent with the exercise of judgment.

4. Please notify at once all registrars of their appointment and furnish them with the printed instructions as to their duties, which printed instructions have been sent direct to the sheriff of each county from the War Department.

5. As soon as your county is completely organized notify me of the fact and send names of all registrars to the end that I may telegraph the Provost-General at Washington that North Carolina is organized.

6. County attorneys will advise County Boards and registrars on any questions pertaining to the administration of the law, but if there is any doubt in your minds write or wire me.

7. Head all telegrams to me “War Department, Official Business, Charge to Federal Government.” Do not use telegrams save where time is important.

8. I am satisfied our citizens can be relied upon to co-operate with the County Boards and with the registrars in every possible way. Let me urge that there be no raising of technical objections, no spirit of evasion or controversy, but let every sitizen, young and old, feel that his country expects him to do his part in bringing about a speedy and efficient organization under the law.

T. W. Bickett,